The Links and Resources Page was posted July 21, 2000.
Naval & Marine Bibliography was posted July 23, 2000.
History of the HMS Richmond was posted July 23, 2000.
Replica Recruiting Broadside was posted August 8, 2000.
Sailing and Fighting Instructions was posted August 9, 2000.
Royal Navy Signal Flags 1775, was removed August 10, 2000.
Richmond site search feature commissioned September, 3, 2000.
Two new Teacher Lesson Plans October 1, 2000.
Suggestions for Ladies starting reenacting added as link on Family Participation Page October 1, 2000.
Family Participation Page updated, adding "The Royal Navy Toast" October 6, 2000.
Billets Page graphics upgraded, adding a 6th Rate frigate docking at Plymouth, October 27, 2000.
On-line Training (CBT) section placed in ordinary, October 27, 2000.
Information on Sailor's Dress was posted on October 29, 2000.
Correction to title on the Billets page was posted on November 11, 2000.
Addition of "Happenings in England During the Life of the Richmond" added to the Family page on November 11, 2000 (open to non-members until 2001).
Holiday Greeting graphic of port scene with animated snow added to the Site Index page - UPDATED animated greeting on November 16, 2000.
Lake.Class animated graphic of the original ship launching scene added to this page (Just Launched) on November 16, 2000.
His Majesty's Marines, H.B.M.S. Richmond page added with sub-pages on November 25, 2000.
During the Holiday Season, the Naval Toast page, complete with streaming voice offering a toast (sorry, sound is not available on NetScape) is released for publick viewing on November 25, 2000 (see Family Participation page).
Sailor Slop requirements for membership and where to find them ready made added on December 26, 2000.
Sailor Skilts/Slops pattern with directions added on January 1, 2001.
The CBT demo course Rope Work added and available to the publick on January 14, 2001.
New index item added, "Guest Articles," with the first available on "Naval Warrant Officers" added on January 15, 2001.
The Articles of War page was updated to the 1757 version (a rare opportunity to read this version) and made available to the publick on February 5, 2001.
New Teacher Lesson Plan entitled "Period Music" published on February 25, 2001.
New opening splash page with animation at published March 26, 2001.
New members and additional billets posted on the Billets page April 8, 2001.
Now when any page of the site is book marked as a Favourite in MS Internet Explorer 5.x and above (sorry, not applicable to Netscape), a distinct and unique icon appears beside the bookmark listing starting April 28, 2001.
New section added to the Site Index page for descriptions of the billets aboard the Richmond, posted with the first billet on May 12, 2001.
Important Revisions made to the Sailor Slops & Fit Out Kits page on May 20, 2001.
New course added to the Distance Leaning CBT section titled Basic Seamanship June 2, 2001. Will repair to the "Membership Only" status after the exam questions are completed for it.
requirements, both required and optional for ratings, added to the Sailor Slops & Fit Out Kits page on June 21, 2001.
The official logo of the H.M.S. Richmond added to the top of the Site Index page on July 10, 2001. This logo will be available to the ship's company and the public on official embroidered baseball hats, knit shirts, soft sided brief cases, T-shirts, &c.
The Events page activated on the Site Index page with the first AAR document made available on July 15, 2001.
The Marine sea service sealed dress code for service aboard ship added to the Marine page's index on July 15, 2001.
The Events page updated on July 22, 2001.
The Richmond's Ship's Company Bylaws and Captain's Order Book, to become effective 1 August, 2001, added to the Site Index page on July 29, 2001.
The Events for 2001 page updated August 7, 2001.
The American Theatre Standing Orders of Vice Admiral Richard Lord Howe added to the Bylaws and Captain's Order Book page on August 12, 2001.
A Richmond's Ship's Company members only forum added on August 12, 2001.
Survey reports on actions involving the Richmond taken from actual documents on file in England added to the Richmond History page on August 24, 2001.
H.M.S. Richmond's Marines sea service uniform sealed pattern added to H. M. Marines page on August 30, 2001.
H.M.S. Richmond's sealed pattern for hammocks added to the site on August 30, 2001.
New CBT course on Safe Loading and Handling of Flintlock Muzzleloading Firearms added 9 September, 2001. This course will remain open to the publick until the exam is made operational.
"Thunder in the Valley - March out." - The Schooner Quinipiac will sail up the CT River and land the King's forces in the towne of Haddam, CT, to drive the doodles out. New event posted to the Events Page on September 15, 2001.
New professional pattern resource from Kannik's Korner for sailor slops added to the pattern page on September 30, 2001.
A new source for authentic leather goods and well made shirts for swabs of a discriminating nature Tuchahoe Trading Company added to our vendors on January 9, 2002
HMS Richmond welcomes Capt. Craig V. Fisher to the helm with Lt. Bruce Kominz as 2nd. on January 1, 2002
Repair to the Site Index Page