Sailors Mandatory Marines Mandatory
Rope Work #1 X

Rope Work #1

Organization of the Royal Navy X Organization of the Royal Navy X
Orientation to Frigate Design  X Orientation to Frigate Design  X
Shipboard Ordnance X Shipboard Ordnance X
Gunnery X Manual of Arms X
Naval Customs & Traditions X Light Infantry Drill and Tactics X
Pulling Boats Oar Commands X Shipboard duties and function of Marines of the Fleet X
Ropes, Lines, Knots, Bends & Hitches X Gunnery X
Basic Seamanship X Naval Customs & Traditions X
Safe Loading and Handling of Flintlock Muzzleloading Firearms X Ropes, Lines, Knots, Bends & Hitches X
    Basic Seamanship X
    Safe Loading and Handling of Flintlock Muzzleloading Firearms X

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